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CapabilityFlags Enumeration

Combat Routine's capabilities.

Namespace:  ff14bot.Managers
Assembly:  RebornBuddy (in RebornBuddy.exe) Version: 3.3.1; net-4.5.win32; release
public enum CapabilityFlags
  Member nameValueDescription

Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle any movement that results in a change of the player's position,

such as moving within range of a target or using a gap closer/escape ability.

The CombatRoutine SHOULD NOT stop moving or perform any action that

disrupts movement while player is moving when this flag is disallowed


Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle moving behind

a target to use positional attacks or avoid getting parried.

Only applicable for melee classes

Facing4Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle facing a target

Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle the usages of class specific gap

closer/escape abilities that cause the player to change location.

Aoe16Specifies whether Combat Routine can use Area of Effect abilities that do damage.

Specifies whether Combat Routine can change the selected target.


Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle the summoning of pets.

This is only applies to real pets that are controlable.

The CombatRoutine does not need to dismiss any active pets while this flag is disallowed.


Specifies whether Combat Routine can use pets to help attack an enemy.

If disallowed then pet should be placed on passive and remain at the owner's side or if pet cannot

be placed on passive then it should be dismissed/recalled by the combat routine and not resummoned


Specifies whether Combat Routine can use special attacks.

If disallowed then it is expected that the Combat Routine will not perform

any offensive abilities other than auto-attack so a target is damaged in a slow but controlled fashion.

Casting defensive buffs, debufs or heal would be allowed, anything that does not damage the target.

This applies to all classes including ranged classes.

An example where this might be disallowed is when attacking a quest objective mob that requires an item

to be used on it when it's health percent drops below a threshold.

Kiting512 Specifies whether Combat Routine can handle kiting.
OffensiveDispel1024 Specifies whether Combat Routine can dispel an enrage or magic spell off an enemy

Specifies whether Combat Routine can dispel a curse, disease, magic or poison spell

off a friendly unit including self

MultiMobPull4096Specifies whether Combat Routine can pull multiple mobs at a time
Taunting8192Specifies whether Combat Routine can use taunt type spells
Interrupting16384Specifies whether Combat Routine can cast interrupt mob spell casts
OffensiveCooldowns32768Specifies whether Combat Routine can use offensive cooldowns
DefensiveCooldowns65536Specifies whether Combat Routine can use defensive cooldowns
See Also