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CommonBehaviors Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ff14bot.Behavior
Assembly:  RebornBuddy (in RebornBuddy.exe) Version: 3.3.1; net-4.5.win32; release
public static class CommonBehaviors

The CommonBehaviors type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberHandleLoading
Public propertyStatic memberIsLoading
Public methodStatic memberCreateMountBehavior
Creates mount behavior.
Public methodStatic memberCreateMountBehavior(ValueRetrieverVector3)
Public methodStatic memberCreateSprintBehavior
Creates mount behavior.
Public methodStatic memberCreateSprintBehavior(ValueRetrieverVector3)
Public methodStatic memberCreateTeleportBehavior(ValueRetrieverUInt32)
Creates teleport behavior.
Public methodStatic memberCreateTeleportBehavior(ValueRetrieverUInt32, ValueRetrieverUInt32) Obsolete.
Creates teleport behavior.
Public methodStatic memberDismount
Public methodStatic memberMoveAndStop(ValueRetrieverVector3, ValueRetrieverSingle, Boolean, ValueRetrieverString, RunStatus)
Creates a behavior to move the current character to the specified location, and stop when within the specified range.
Public methodStatic memberMoveAndStop(ValueRetrieverVector3, ValueRetrieverSingle, Boolean, String, RunStatus)
Creates a behavior to move the current character to the specified location, and stop when within the specified range.
Public methodStatic memberMoveAndStop(ValueRetrieverVector3, Single, Boolean, String, RunStatus)
Creates a behavior to move the current character to the specified location, and stop when within the specified range.
Public methodStatic memberMoveStop
Creates a behavior to force all movement to stop for the current character. This will always return Success.
Public methodStatic memberMoveTo(ValueRetrieverVector3, ValueRetrieverString, Composite, ValueRetrieverTimeSpan)
Creates a behavior to move the current character to the specified location. This will always return Success.
Public methodStatic memberMoveTo(ValueRetrieverVector3, String, Composite, ValueRetrieverTimeSpan)
Creates a behavior to move the current character to the specified location. This will always return Success.
Public methodStatic memberMoveToLos
Creates a behavior to move the curreint character to line of sight with the specified character, and optionally stop when within LOS of the character.
See Also