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Extensions_Vector3Add Method

Adds the provided X, Y, and Z offsets to Vector3 yielding a new Vector3.


The HBcore only provides a version of this that accepts 'float' values. This version accepts 'doubles', because it is inefficient to keep truncating data types (to float) that are provided by the Math and other libraries.

'Double' performance is just as fast as 'Float'. Internally, modern computer architectures calculate using maximum precision (i.e., many bits bigger than double), then truncate the result to fit. The only benefit 'float' has over 'double' is storage space, which is negligible unless you've a database using billions of them.

Namespace:  ff14bot.Helpers
Assembly:  RebornBuddy (in RebornBuddy.exe) Version: 3.3.1; net-4.5.win32; release
public static Vector3 Add(
	this Vector3 v,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z


Type: Clio.UtilitiesVector3
Type: SystemDouble
Type: SystemDouble
Type: SystemDouble

Return Value

Type: Vector3
new Vector3 with adjusted coordinates

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type Vector3. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
17Apr2011-12:16UTC chinajade
See Also