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SQLiteConnectionDeferredQuery Method (TableMapping, String, Object)

Creates a SQLiteCommand given the command text (SQL) with arguments. Place a '?' in the command text for each of the arguments and then executes that command. It returns each row of the result using the specified mapping. This function is only used by libraries in order to query the database via introspection. It is normally not used.

Namespace:  SQLite
Assembly:  RebornBuddy (in RebornBuddy.exe) Version: 3.3.1; net-4.5.win32; release
public IEnumerable<Object> DeferredQuery(
	TableMapping map,
	string query,
	params Object[] args


Type: SQLiteTableMapping
A TableMapping to use to convert the resulting rows into objects.
Type: SystemString
The fully escaped SQL.
Type: SystemObject
Arguments to substitute for the occurences of '?' in the query.

Return Value

Type: IEnumerableObject
An enumerable with one result for each row returned by the query. The enumerator will call sqlite3_step on each call to MoveNext, so the database connection must remain open for the lifetime of the enumerator.
See Also